
Find out everything you need to know about stroke, including symptoms, treatment, causes, management and more.


A Simple, Low-Impact Way to Reduce Stroke Risk
Research shows that bicycling can reduce the chances of developing a potentially dangerous blood clo...


What You Need to Know About Vascular Parkinsonism
It mimics Parkinson’s disease but is a very different condition.


The Science Behind Broken Heart Syndrome
It might feel like a heart attack, but broken heart syndrome is far from it.


Why are strokes more common in women?
Deaths caused by strokes are expected to increase by nearly 50% by 2050.


5 Ways to Lower Your Stroke Risk Now
About 80 percent of strokes are preventable—if you make little changes to your day. Learn a...


Stroke: Why Time Lost Is Brain Lost
Every minute is critical after a stroke—do you know the early warning signs?


Is It a Headache or a Stroke?
Sometimes, a terrible headache can indicate a much bigger problem—do you know the signs to look for?...


What You Need to Know About Mini-Stroke
Mini-stroke doesn’t mean minimal danger.


Could You Have a Stroke and Not Know It?
Get expert answers, plus tips to help lower your risk of silent stroke.


How Sodium Intake Affects Your Heart and Brain
You can cut your stroke risk dramatically by swapping out salt for alternative seasonings.