
Stay up to date on the latest information around stretching exercises and the health benefits.


When Is the Best Time to Stretch Your Muscles?
If you know when to do stretching exercises, you can avoid injury and have a better workout.


Quick & Fit: must-do stretches for runners
Many runners suffer injuries because they don't pay enough attention to flexibility, says fitness ex...


Which Stretches Are Most Beneficial Before Going on a Walk?
Try this simple, three-minute stretching routine before you walk for exercise.


Hip-flexor stretches
Jan Lucanus, certified tai chi expert, walks through 3 hip-flexor exercises to increase mobility and...


Pickle juice can help to relieve leg cramps
Leg cramps are common in the elderly, athletes, and those who are pregnant.


Quick & Fit: calf stretch
Stretching is just as important the workout. Learn this easy stretch you can do from the comfort of ...


Best Ways to Stretch Your Neck and Shoulders
A few gentle stretches every day can ease your tense shoulders and neck.


100 to 100: How Sitting Hurts Your Health
In the car, at work or in from of the television—we all sit. Too much couch time would spell disaste...