Pets and health

Learn about the many health benefits of pet ownership.


Dogs may know when we need them most, experts say
Dogs may positively impact human lives by dropping anxiety and depression in their humans, as well a...


How Having a Pet Can Help Your Mental Health
In addition to keeping you physically active, there are emotional and social benefits to pet ownersh...


8 Diseases You Can Catch From Animals—and Some You Definitely Can't
Keep on loving your dog, cat, bird or turtle! Just watch out for these.


Harnessing the Healing Power of Pets
Caring for an animal is a big responsibility, but research shows people may get far more in return.


6 Service Dogs to the Rescue
Professionally-trained medical service dogs can help with conditions like diabetes, PTSD and more.


What's the Deal With Emotional Support Animals?
They can help people with mental health issues. So why are they controversial?


How Fur Helps You Live Longer
Wearing fur? A definite fashion "don't" in most animal lovers' books. But cuddl...


Enhance Physical Activity with Four Legs
Got a dog? Or know someone close by who does? Great! Then grab the leash and become a regular dog...


My Exercise Secret Weapon: Walking My Dog
Learn how your favorite four-legged companion can help keep you healthy, mentally and physically.


11 Winter Pet Health Hazards to Avoid
Antifreeze, candles, and other common cold-weather must-haves may be putting your furry friends a...