Health TopicsMen's health

Men's health

Stay on top of health conditions that affect men, such as prostate cancer and low testosterone.


4 subtle health symptoms men shouldn’t ignore
55% of men don't participate in regular health screenings. This video outlines some symptoms that s...


Jock Itch Causes and Prevention
Some itches are just too embarrassing to scratch. But if you've ever been, or currently are, ...


7 Embarrassing Questions Men Hate to Ask (But Should)
Worried about a curved penis, man boobs or peeing a lot? You gotta talk to your doctor.


Gum Disease and Erectile Dysfunction: What’s the Connection?
Here’s why keeping up on oral health is crucial to total-body wellness.


How can men deal with erectile dysfunction?
Erectile dysfunction is common and can happen to any man at any time, but there are ways to deal wit...


7 Worst Junk Foods for Your Heart
Give your favorite dishes a healthy makeover to prevent heart disease.


The 10 Deadliest Men’s Health Conditions
Learn the biggest reasons most American men die, and how you can decrease your risk.


Essential Health Tests for Men at Any Age
Track your health with these screening tests.


Infertility, isolation, and understanding
Fertility specialist and author of “Fertility Rules” Leslie Shrock deep dives into fertility issues ...