Health Topicskidney-urinary-healthKidney disease and failure

Kidney disease and failure

Find out everything you need to know about kidney disease, including symptoms, treatment, causes, management and more.


Are cysts on the kidneys serious?
Cysts in the kidneys can be seious. Some are caused by genetic conditions such as adult polycystic k...


What Happens If I Hold In My Pee?
Waiting to go can cause health problems. See what our expert has to say.


What Does Passing a Kidney Stone Feel Like?
Kidney stone pain is no joke, sending more than 500,000 people to the ER each year.


What Your Urine's Color and Odor Says About Your Health
A quick glimpse into the toilet can warn you of potential problems.


What Healthcare Providers Treat IgA Nephropathy?
Learn who’s who among the specialists and providers you’ll work with when treating this type of kidn...


A Quick Guide to Immunoglobulin A Nephropathy (IgAN)
Learn what’s happening in the body when a person has IgA nephropathy.


Type 2 Diabetes and the Risk of Chronic Kidney Disease
How diabetes can damage the kidneys and what you can do to prevent this complication.


Sodium, Blood Pressure, Diabetes, and CKD
How a diet high in sodium can worsen chronic kidney disease.


The Medications that Help Treat IgA Nephropathy
How blood pressure medications and drugs that reduce inflammation help slow the progression of kidne...


IgA Nephropathy, Sodium Intake, and Your Kidneys
Lowering your sodium intake can be an important step in protecting the health of your kidneys.