Health care

Get the latest new and information about health care and what it means to you.


Why it's important to get your medical information from medical professionals
Dr. Jennifer Ashton discusses the concept behind her new book. She discusses patients trying to thin...


Why medical education needs to include the BIPOC community
This video touches on broadening perspectives in order to work towards a more equitable and inclusiv...


How to fix racial disparities in the healthcare system
Fixing disparities in the healthcare system is a complex and multi-faceted challenge that requires c...


BIPOC + LGBTQIA patients and why education is needed
Education is crucial in addressing healthcare access inequities and promoting inclusive and equitabl...


New AI technology seeks to diagnose disease through voice analysis
The app will analyze the voice for signs of illness.


6 Ways to Eat Healthy on a Budget
Use these tips to shop smart and save on healthy foods.


5 Ways to Make Your Life Resolutions Stick
Follow these research-backed tips to make positive changes that last all year long.


6 Tips for Navigating the ER
The emergency room can be a complicated place. Try these tips for an easier trip.


11 Ways to Prepare for a Layoff
Use these expert-approved money tips for a soft landing if you anticipate a job loss.


2 “Unexpected” Expenses That Keep You in Debt
These two expenses are 100% predictable – but not preparing for them can wreak havoc on your bottom ...