Health TopicsFoot and ankle

Foot and ankle

Get the latest information about foot and ankle health from Sharecare.


Is foot pain causing your weight gain?
Watch as we shed light on how foot discomfort can potentially contribute to changes in body weight.


5 Simple Ways to Soothe Foot Pain
On your feet much of the day? Consider these quick pain relief tricks.


Worst Case Scenario: I Wear High Heels Every Day
Your favorite stilettos may be causing more harm than you think.


Should I Worry About This Bony Bump on My Foot?
Lumps and bumps are usually just a nuisance, but they sometimes require a doctor’s care.


What to do for a broken toe
Broken toes are more common than you might think. The good news: A broken toe rarely requires a cast...


How precise are foot orthotics?
Foot orthotics can help you keep your feet healthy. But, "orthotics are like the wild west," says Lo...


5 Embarrassing Foot Problems, Solved
Corns. Fungus. Bunions. No matter what your embarrassing (and annoying!) foot problem is, we're here...


Plantar fasciitis: everything you need to know
Here's what you need to know about the common foot condition.


What are bunions?
A bunion is a painful bump on a toe. Many people have them. If someone in your family has bunions, y...


What Is Pronation?
Pronation is one of the most common foot problems. It's not as simple as being flat footed, says Lou...