Health TopicsBrain health and the nervous system

Brain health and the nervous system

Find out everything you need to know about your brain and nervous system.


Making Sense of the Research on Alcohol and Brain Health
A glass a day may not be so harmless after all. Here's what to know about how alcohol can affect you...


A Simple, Low-Impact Way to Reduce Stroke Risk
Research shows that bicycling can reduce the chances of developing a potentially dangerous blood clo...


What You Need to Know About Vascular Parkinsonism
It mimics Parkinson’s disease but is a very different condition.


Could the Flu Shot Help Protect against Alzheimer’s?
Mounting research suggests several routine vaccinations, including the flu shot, are linked to a low...


What Causes Tardive Dyskinesia?
Learn how neuroleptic medications can cause this involuntary movement disorder.


Slowing the progression of ALS and living your best life
ALS is a progressive and fatal neurologic disease that attacks the nerve cells. In this video, Robin...


The brain on social media
It's important to be mindful of how social media affects you personally and make choices that align ...


Ageless: happy brain, longer life
As we age, it is important to be kind to ourselves and pay attention to our individual mental health...


FDA poised to approve a new drug for ALS
The FDA is expected to approve a new ALS drug by the end of September 2022.


5 ways to give your brain a break
Taking breaks of up to 10 minutes can reduce mental fatigue.