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Alcohol and health

Get the latest information about the impact alcohol has on your health including risks and warning signs that you may be drinking too much.


How Alcohol Affects Women's Health
Here's why less is more when it comes to alcohol consumption.


Hawaii Health Alert: Is There a Safe Amount of Alcohol?
Confused by all the mixed messages on drinking? Get some answers and find out if one drink a day is ...


What are tips for maintaining my sobriety when I'm faced with temptation?
To maintain sobriety when faced with temptation, plan around your triggers, use behavioral replaceme...


Does your face flush after drinking alcohol?
Facial flushing is a sign of alcohol sensitivity and is common with women and people of East Asian d...


Surprising Reasons for Your Hangover, According to Science
Learn why you feel so lousy after a night of drinking—plus, get tips on how to prevent hangovers bef...


Combating Drunk Driving in Hawaii
Driving while intoxicated is too common in the Aloha State.


That Weekend Bender Is More Damaging Than You Thought
Your cocktail consumption could be considered binge drinking, and cancer, STDs and accidents are som...


What Really Happens to Your Body When You Drink
Here’s how alcohol—from an occasional nip to a long-term habit—may affect your health.


Wait, So Now Wine Is Bad for You?
Seems like the story changes every day. Our expert weighs in on the potential health benefits of win...


8 Not-So-Obvious Ways Alcohol Is Hurting Your Health
Feeling down, tired, or broke after having a few drinks? Here’s how alcohol can affect your...